November 21, 2004


what does that mean?

November 16, 2004


the old ones can be brought back.

thoughts: nathan adler

quoted: the diary of nathan adler

friday, december 31, 1999, 10.30 am

"I'm drinking up the Oxford Town, New Jersey fume.
Salty and acid.
Maybe I can get a handle on this thing back in Soho at the bureau.
It used to be Rothko's studio, now the playground for all us Art-Crime folk, AC' or "the daubers" as we're dubbed.

Rothko himself, in a dark-deep-drunk one night, carefully removed his clothes, folded them up neatly, placing them upon a chair, lay upon the floor in a crucified position and after several attempts, found the soft blue pump of wrists and checked out. He'd held the razor blades between wads of tissue paper so that he wouldn't cut his fingers.

Deep thinker.
Always was."

thoughts: nathan adler

quoted: the diary of nathan adler

friday, december 31, 1999, 10.15 am

" ... stories circulated thru' the nasty-neon of N.Y. night that a young Korean artist was the self-declared patient of wee-hours surgery in cut and run operations at not-so-secret locations in the city.

If you found out about it, you could go and watch this guy having bits and pieces removed under anaesthetic.
A finger-joint one night, a limb another.

By the dawning of the '80s, rumour had it that he was down to a torso and one arm.

He'd asked to be left in a cave in the Catskills, fed every so often by his acolytes."

thoughts: nathan adler

prof. adler hatte vor einigen jahren seine untersuchungen auf dem feld des "art crime" aufgegeben, mir ist selbst nie klar geworden, warum.
er sprach nicht gern darüber.

eigentlich brach er das thema immer sofort ab.
ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß es die schrecken der delikte selbst
waren, die ihn haben abstand nehmen lassen.
er ist hart im nehmen.

auszüge aus seinen tagebüchern folgen.

November 14, 2004

contact: nathan adler

on my way out to that place
i ran into prof. adler
who was in a hurry (just like me).

he mentioned he would like to see me next week
to talk about something that had been going on

he seemed deranged.

as usual.

curious to find out what it is this time.